The Film, Living While Dying – Cathy Zheutlin, Filmmaker;  Generosity Project on Indegogo platform

“Bathing in Joy”

“Bathing in Joy”
(Check out the trailer to this beautiful film below, and consider…)

I was struck by this comment from a man looking directly into the camera, and sharing this heart-felt sentiment as he was preparing to die.

Those who work in the end-of life industry, or are called to be with the dying in some capacity, likely understand this “joy and death thing” more than the general population.

And yet, it is always a gift to witness.

A conscious death – one surrounded by awareness, peace, compassion, meaning, and even joy, is still a rarity.

When I witness what seems like the cruelty of death to some families and not to others, I wonder..

What is the difference?

Maybe it is just plain simple. Maybe they just don’t know.

How do we get across a message that we can “Do Death Differently?

There is something about film that can encapsulate a feeling, that otherwise is difficult to identify. I believe that a film, when it hits the mark, is better at helping us turn toward the things that are hard to face, and may be tougher to convey.

That’s what I love about this project I’d like to share with you.

We know that death has gotten a bad rap in many ways. How can we ease the fears about the transition we all will make, bar none.

This film might just do that.

Meet Cathy Zheutlin, of Peace Films, a filmmaker for 40 years who has made films that explore consciousness and encourage progressive change. She shares that “Death” has been stalking her all the way.

Her film, LIVING WHILE DYING, is part of the nationwide effort to reclaim the end of life as a human experience, instead of primarily a medical one.

The filming is complete, though the part where it comes to life is now in incubation and you can be a part of birthing this wonderful experience.

Films ARE an experience.
You can take experiences with you–they travel light but keep great company. They often stay with you long after the closing credits.

They have the ability to transform.
I believe this is one beautiful way we can offer the gift of transforming death for those who are overwhelmed, fearful and sad.
Maybe we can offer a reframe for death that points to connection, release and even a bit of awe.

In order to do this, Cathy has decided to use “Generosity”, which is Ingegogo’s crowd-sourcing and fundraising platform for Human Goodness in order to launch this project into the world.

Love that.

Please take a look at these delicious trailers for the film, and learn more about the film.

Film Trailer  – Learn more

See what gifts you can receive for the different levels of participation. There are also higher sponsorship levels if you or your organization are interested.

If you are moved to contribute in some way, we all benefit.
If not, enjoy the anticipation of seeing this film when it is out there.

You can feel something happening here.

And it is good…


P.S.  Interested in End-of-Life Doula Training?
Consider our foundational training – Learn more

If your hospice organization is interested in volunteer, staff, family caregiver and referral source training – Learn more here